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Questions about Reslin®

What do I need to get started with Reslin®?
  • Reslin® activator & Reslin ® oil
  • A silicone mold
  • A convection oven 
  • A mixing bowl 
  • A spatula or stirring stick 
  • Any additives such as GlassRoxx, color pigment, or other creative additives or your choice 
What is the ratio of the Reslin® components?

Always use one quantity of Reslin® activator for two quantities of Reslin® oil. The ratio is therefore 1 to 2.

How should I heat Reslin®?

You should heat Reslin® in following steps: 

  1. Heat the Reslin® oil and Reslin® activator for 20 minutes at 60°C (140°F).
  2. Let the mixture rest for 20 minutes.
  3. Heat for 20 minutes at 90°C (200°F).
  4. Increase the temperature to 120°C (250°F) and heat again for 20 minutes.

Important: Do not use a  microwave to heat your Reslin®. For best results use a convection oven.

How strong will my Reslin® object be after harding?

The hardness of Reslin® depends on the additives you use and the thickness of your object. Without additives and with a thin layer (5 mm), the object can remain flexible. If you use an additive, such as GlassRoxx®, your object will become harder. The finer the grain, the harder the object.

Can I add different additives to the Reslin® mixture?

Yes, you can add different materials to the Reslin® blend, such as:

  • Pigment powders, alcohol ink or natural mica for colour.
  • GlassRoxx® for texture and extra colour (note the proportions of 2 to 3).
  • Jesmonite flakes, coffee, herbs, dried flowers, spices and even Reslin® glass beads in 18 colours for unique effects.

Note: Pay attention to the specific gravity of the materials.

  • Materials with a lower specific gravity will float to the top of your mold! Dried berries, star anise, leaves, etc. are light and will float to the top of your mold during firing. So they will be at the bottom of your object.

Substances with a high specific gravity sink into your mould! So if you add just a small amount of Reslin® glass beads or GlassRoxx®, everything will sink to the bottom and you will end up with an edge at the top of your object.

How do I add GlassRoxx® to my Reslin® mixture and what sizes can I use?

GlassRoxx® is available in 3 granule sizes: 

  • XS: the smallest grain, similar to sand grains
  • S: grains of a few millimetres, similar to salt
  • L: grains up to 1cm, similar to small pebbles 

How to use GlassRoxx® with Reslin®? 
Use GlassRoxx® in a ratio of 2 to 3. This means that for every 750g of Reslin® you can add 1500g of GlassRoxx®. 

Weigh GlassRoxx® according to the total amount of Reslin® that you are using. Make sure that you respect the ratio to achieve the desired effect. It is important to mix GlassRoxx® equaly into the  Reslin® mixture. 

Tip: preheat your GlassRoxx® together with the Reslin® components in a convection oven to 60°c (140°F). This prevents the mixture from cooling down too quickly and helps to make the process smoother. 

How can I avoid air bubbles?

If you put your mold filled with Reslin® on a vibrating plate, most air bubbles will disappear. Keep in mind that the added materials may sink when using a vibrating plate. Depending on the effect you want to achieve, you can choose whether or not to vibrate the mold.

What can I do to ensure that my object quickly hardens?

It is important to mix the Reslin® properly and choose the right cooling down method. The object can be removed from the oven immediately after heating and placed in cold water for faster cooling.

What substances can I mix in Reslin®?

Can you mix almost anything into Reslin®, but avoid materials that contain water, such as for example fresh fruit. These can rot and biodegrade the mixture. Mix substances with a low gravity carrefully, as they may float to the top of your object.

Is Reslin® suitable for use with food?

Yes, Reslin® is made of 100% natural and biodegradable components and is completely food safe. 

Can I use Reslin® for hot drinks or candles?
  • Hot drinks: it is not recommended to pour hot drinks into a Reslin® object, as the heat may affect the structure. 
  • Candles: Reslin® is not suitable for candles, as the flame may cause the material to burn. 
What is the ideal thickness of my Reslin® object?

Make sure your object is at least 5mm thick, especialy in the thinnest areas. Study your mold carefully or use a Reslin® silicone mold tested by us for the best results. 

How much can I make with the different Reslin® packs?
  • Set small - 500g Reslin® oil & 250g Reslin® activator 
    You can mix this with 1500g GlassRoxx®, which gives up to 2,25kg of objects.
  • Set medium - 750g Reslin® oil & 375g Reslin® activator
    Mix this with 2250g GlassRoxx®, which is good for 3,375kg objects.
  • Set large - 1000g Reslin® oil & 500g Reslin® activator
    Mix this with 3000g GlassRoxx®, giving you up to 4,5kg of objects. 
Why do I have sticky spots on my object?

Sticky spots can occur when the Reslin® is not mixed properly. This can lead to residues of the Reslin® activator forming strings and not being fully activated. 

Must I use an oven to heat Reslin®?

No, but we do strongly recommend heating Reslin® into a convention oven so that it is fully activated. If you are patient,  you can also wait for the mixture to harden on its own (after 36 hours). This will slightly lighten the color (if you don't use color pigments). 

Is Reslin® dangerous like epoxy resin?

No, Reslin® is non-toxic and contains no harmful volatile substances, so there is no need to wear gloves or safety goggles. However, be careful with the activator, as it contains acids that can irritate your eyes. 

Why is my object matt after demolding?

This depends on which type of silicone mold you used. The softer and smoother your silicone mold is, the more matt your Reslin® object will be. 

[ Reslin in a few steps ]

Let your creativity run wild!

100% biodegradable

the sustainable alternative to chemical epoxy resin

Safe & user-friendly

no harmful substances, child-friendly and workable with bare hands

Time & cost-efficient

creations are ready quickly at low temperatures 

Flexibility & versatility

suitable for both small and large objects, colors and textures can be freely combined