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How to Reslin?

[ Reslin in a few steps ]

Let your creativity run wild!

100% biodegradable

the sustainable alternative to chemical epoxy resin

Safe & user-friendly

no harmful substances, child-friendly and workable with bare hands

Time & cost-efficient

creations are ready quickly at low temperatures 

Flexibility & versatility

suitable for both small and large objects, colors and textures can be freely combined

[ working steps ]

Reslin® working process

In the 6 steps below you will find the short version of the manual. However, we recommend that you also go through the detailed manual so that you are fully aware of all the important information, tips and tricks before you start working with Reslin. You can find the download button below.

  • 01
    Weighing the correct ratio
  • 02
    Preparing the Reslin® components
  • 03
For the best results, it is essential to respect the correct ratio of Reslin® activator to Reslin® oil. This is 1 part Reslin® activator to 2 parts Reslin® oil.
It is very important to bring the Reslin® components to the right temperarture. Warm the Reslin® activator & oil in an oven during 20minutes at 60°C (140°F).
Stir the mixture carefully for several minutes. In this stage you can add additives to the Reslin® mixture like GlassRoxx, mica, ...
  • 04
    Mold filling
  • 05
    Heating the object in two phases
  • 06
    Cooling & de-molding
This way you do this depends on the composition of your Reslin® mixture. After filling the mold, let the mixture rest for 20 minutes before placing in the oven.
Phase 1 : place your object in a convection oven and warm for 20minutes at 90°C. Phase 2: increase the temperature to 120°C and warm again for 20 minutes
After the second stage of heating, you can immediately proceed with cooling the object. Let you object cool off in the air or place the mold in cold water.
[ Creativity ]

Endless possibilities

With Reslin®, the possibilities for being creative are endless!

Perfect with GlassRoxx
Perfect with Jesmonite
Perfect with mica
Perfect with other natural materials