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Natural materials

[ Natural materials ]

Add natural elements to your Reslin® mixture

You can creatively add natural elements to your Reslin® objects. For instance elements like herbs, coffee, dried flowers or other organic materials – these bring a beautiful natural effect to your Reslin® creations. Adding these elements not only gives your Reslin® mix a unique texture and look, but also a subtle, extra connection to nature.

Ratio Natural materials
Reslin® activator: water / 3
Reslin® oil: Reslin® activator x 2
benefits of combining Reslin®
with natural materials:
- Endless possibilities
- Unique design
- Natural

What natural materials can I add to Reslin®?

You can add various natural materials to your Reslin® mixture to give your objects a unique & organic look. Hereby some examples: 

  • herbs: dried herbs like rosemary, lavender or mint to add a rustic to your Reslin® creations
  • coffee: ground coffee or coffee beans can add not only a warm, natural color, but also a texture that enriches your Reslin®
  • dried flowers: a popular choice for adding color and a delicate look. Flowers like roses, lavender or chamomile work well
  • leaves: dries leaves or flower petals can give your Reslin® object a sophisticated, natural look 
  • shell or small stones: add a beach feeling to your Reslin® objects by mixing shells or small stones into your Reslin® mixture