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[ Let your creative mind run wild with Reslin®]

The first plant-based, 100% biodegradable resin!

Discover the power of linseed oil and a natural activator made from sugar beet molassed: an innovative, safe and sustainable way to create your own decorative, functional, and artistic pieces. Reslin® is easy and creative to use, without any harmful substances! In just 60 minutes at a low temperature in a convection oven, your masterpiece is ready. 

[ benefits of Reslin ]

The unique characteristics of Reslin

100% biodegradable resin

sustainable alternative to chemical epoxy resin

safe & user-friendly

no harmful substances, child-friendly and workable with bare hands

time & cost efficient

creations are ready quickly at low temperatures

flexibility & versatility

suitable for both small and large objects, colors and textures can be freely combined

[ European product ]

Belgian products, European materials

Reslin® is produced entirely in Europe with raw materials of European origin: 

  • Reslin® oil: linseed oil from Spain
  • Reslin® activator: a natural hardener made from European sugar beets

Reslin® will initially be introduced in Europe and will be distributed via distributors which resell it country by country to hobby stores and/or local chains.

New creative heights

Discover how Reslin® takes your creativity to new heights

Phone: +32 (0) 12 225 226
Email: info@reslin.com

Address: Daalstraat 35-1,
3832 Wellen (BELGIUM)